Artist With A Global Vision
American Modern Dance With
Jaan R. Freeman
Jaan Freeman has been traveling to India since 1995. His first trip to India was with the Battery Dance Company in their production of PURUSH- Expressions of Man. Freeman represented Modern Dance in this all male production celebrating the various Indian Classical Dance styles and Modern Dance. There after Freeman returned to India in 1997 with Battery Dance's production of Songs of Tagore. After the tour Freeman stayed in India for another few months and taught Modern Dance. This was the start of a long journey of teaching in India with the inaugural workshop in the city of Bangalore.
Freeman has conducted workshops in every major city in India since 1997. He has taught over 500 students many have gone on to open dance schools in India and perform with the companies of Shobana Jaysingh & Akram Khan. Freeman has had many classical Indian dancers taking his workshop in modern dance to learn other ways to make the body speak. Freeman comes with over two decades of teaching modern dance.
Jaan attend Talent Unlimited H. S. in NYC and the first to receive the Alvin Ailey Memorial Award presented by the school. He trained on scholarship in NY at the Mary Anthony Dance Studio, Martha Graham School and with original Graham dancer Yuriko and with the New York State School of Dance for Modern Dance under the direction of Carolyn Adams.
He has trained under master teachers: Linda Kent, Carolyn Adams, Jeane Ruddy, Martial Roumain, Ethel Winter, Steve Rooks,
Mary Anthony, Dudley Williams, Sophie Maslow , Armguard Von Bardeleben among other fine teachers. Jaan has performed with the Dance Company of; Battery Dance, Martha Graham Ensemble, Carolyn Dorfman Dance Company, Klixbull Dance Co, Dance Consort/ Mezzacappa- Gabrian performing the historical works of Doris Humphrey & Charles Weidman. He had the wonderful opportunity to work with modern dance pioneer Murray Louis at Carnegie Hall celebrating the music of Stravinsky. Abroad Freeman has performed with Rita Ganguly's Kaladharmi of New Delhi , Deepaskiha National Dance Theater of Sri Lanka & with master Kandyan Dancer Khema De Costa of Sri Lanka.

Dancers: Satish, Nakula, Jaan & Balaji in performance in Bangalore in Freeman's "I am My Brother's Keeper."

Pallikoodam Students in a workshop program of Freeman's

Above image: Danceworx-Delhi in Freeman's "Rooms"

Jaan in performance at Pallikoodam-

Danceworx-Delhi:left to right:
Bhoomika, Pia, Niaomi, Vandana, Jaan,Arun,Eden,Tejas & Rohan

Chennai Workshop Jaan & Students

Dance Worx- Mumbai Dancers
Rohan & Tejas in Freeman's " I sometimes Caught Your Sleeve."
See a clip of Freeman's workshop "Mandela" performed by the students of Pallikodam H. S. in Kottayam, Kerala 2014